Mental Health Partial Care Treatment
Partial Care is a full-day group treatment program for adults with significant mental health challenges that need daily comprehensive structured treatment to improve their mental health, functioning and quality of life.
The vast majority of clients in the program have a primary diagnosis of Schizophrenia, Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Schizoaffective Disorder and/or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Partial Care prioritizes services to help all clients avoid unnecessary psychiatric hospitalizations, find and/or maintain desirable housing and to have quality relationships with people who will support their paths to wellness. Services are also designed to help clients regulate their emotions, eliminate disturbing thoughts, improve their behavior, develop effective communication and socialization skills and to work toward a variety of individualized goals.

The Partial Care program hours are 9:10 a.m. to 3:20 p.m. Monday through Friday and offers the following services:
Mental Health Assessments
Group Therapy
Psycho-Education on Mental Illness
Co-Occurring Substance Use Treatment
Nursing Support and Education
Assistance with Entitlements
Token Economy and Off-Grounds Activities
Food Pantry
Breakfast and Lunch
Psychiatric Evaluations & Medication Monitoring
Activities to Improving Coping Skills
Strategies to Avoid a Breakdown or Relapse
Paid Workforce Activities
Social, Leisure and Wellness Activities
Referrals for Housing
COVID and Influenza Vaccinations
Clothing and Hygiene Products
Breakfast and Lunch
Door to Door Transportation
The intake process for Partial Care consists of an hour long mental health assessment by a qualified professional, a nursing assessment by a Registered Nurse, a urine drug test and includes a conversation explaining the program structure, and an appraisal of each client’s support network.
Every client in Partial Care receives a psychiatric evaluation within two weeks of admission, every six months thereafter and as necessary. Most clients in the program continue to meet with an Advanced Practice Nurse for medication during the course of treatment.
Partial Care is on the behavioral health care continuum halfway between psychiatric hospitalization and seeing a psychiatrist or therapist on an occasional basis. Services are offered in a safe environment where clients benefit from regular participation in the program.
Clients are linked with other providers during the course of treatment and discharge planning is initiated early to set up ongoing support after Partial Care treatment is no longer necessary.

"Live brightly, leave fear and move forward one step at a time with faith and confidence in the future."